Thursday, October 25, 2012

There's Nothing Like the Sweet Taste of Justice...Porn

I came across a video about a really horrific event that I did not know about until I saw the video.  A woman was going to be moving to a new city so she left her daughter, 3 years old, in the care of another woman while she was preparing to move.  While in this woman’s care, she and another woman beat the child.  When EMTs were called to the house, the kid was in full cardiac arrest and died at the hospital. 

The video is of those 2 women being sentenced, their reactions of shock and desperation, and one of their mothers erupting in the courtroom.  One of the perps, “Erica,” goes into a hyperventilation fit and gets wheeled out in a chair.

Now… I’m not a huge fan of kids.  But I’m really not a fan of people who hurt kids, or anything dependent/innocent.  Old people, sick people, mentally challenged people, animals, babies, little kids – hell, even bigger kids, kids who believe adults are in charge and can’t see a way out.  I have no sympathy.

So… after seeing the video of their reactions (in a forum called “Justice Porn,” no less, where assholes get what’s coming to them), I go in search of the story about the girl.  And another thought struck me, a very unrelated thought that I can’t seem to make sound any less cynical and awful….

I believe in education – I think we should all have access to it, we should want it, we should want it for our kids, we should want it for …yes, even those annoying kids in my neighborhood, one of them may grow up to cure whatever I get struck down with in 40 years.  But there’s something really poetic about a stupid criminal… ignoring for a moment any sad sobby story about how an education might have changed their lives… the lack of one is often what makes is so fucking easy to nail someone with a criminal charge.

Really?  She just fell and hit her head?  You don’t think anyone is going to notice the giant burn on her leg, the cuts and bruises all over her body?  You don’t think someone with maybe a little medical/science knowledge isn’t going to be able to piece together how that fucking injury occurred, you imbecile? 

Well, maybe they did know. I’m making an assumption that they thought *anyone* would believe such as stupid story about how she got hurt, but I am willing to bet in every single hospital in every single city, every day there’s someone who – in the face of the obvious, staring at that x-ray of a hot wheel up their rear end or medical chart of, as this case, a beaten kid… and just lies their ass off about what happened.  Why do that?  Why bother?  In a criminal matter especially, does it not occur to them that attempting to cover it up is going to be just the thing the prosecution will salivate over to tell the jury??

So to the 2 women that told emergency responders that the little girl “hit her head,” fuck you, enjoy prison. 

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